Marky the Markdownifier

API v2

Endpoint[query string]

( and are mirrors, you can use either endpoint.)


Parameters are passed as a query string to the API.

Parameter keys can be shortened to just the first letter (or letters required to be unique). Use 1 for true and 0 for false (also accepts 'true' and 'false').

The url parameter is required, all other parameters are optional (see default values).


curl '`
Parameter Default Description
url required Target url to markdownify
complete false Output complete HTML page with head/body tags
format 'markdown_mmd' See Valid formats.
inline true Use inline link format
import_css false Embed CSS from linked stylesheets
json false Output JSON { output, html, url, title }
link false App-specific url. Link Formats
open false Open link automatically.
output 'markdown' Output format
readability false Use Readability to remove cruft
showframe false Output the Marky results page
style none CSS style (HTML output)
html none If provided, process HTML
title none If provided, use instead of extracting

Output Formats

The output key differs from the format key. While format determines to what markup the HTML is converted, the output key determines how the results will be delivered.

Value Result
complete Complete HTML document
html An HTML snippet
markdown Raw converted results based on format
url URL encoded version of format

If json=1 is specified, this key will be overridden.

Processing HTML

If the html parameter is provided with raw HTML (url encoded), either by GET or POST, it will use that HTML rather than running Readability on the url. If the url paramater is used in conjunction with html, it will be used as the base URL for any link conversions and as the source: keyword for the document. If a title is provided, it will be used as the title for the document. url and title are both optional when processing HTML.

Readability and conversion

Custom Readability

Marky uses a custom version of Arc90's Readability. It's a little more lax and picks up things like author blocks and occasionally share blocks, but is more likely to include all the pertinent content on the page. Arc90 gets confused when the page markup splits the article content into multiple divs and picks just one. Marky attempts to prevent that. Enable Marky's Readability by including readability=1 in the url.

Table formatting

Tables are converted to Markdown and formatted nicely. Tables that contain content that's not valid in Markdown tables (per PHP Extra/MultiMarkdown spec) will be compressed (lists and line breaks replaced).

Code block formatting

Code blocks are converted to backtick-fenced code. When possible, a specified language is applied after the opening fence.

Markup Formats

Pandoc is used for the initial conversion, which is then cleaned by Marky. Pandoc allows many output formats, so you're not limited to just Markdown. You can, for example, output asciidoc or a specific flavor of Markdown, such as commonmark, markdown_mmd, or markdown_phpextra. The default is markdown_mmd (GitHub Flavored Markdown).

Accepted output formats:

JSON output, either through the format parameter or with json= in the URL, will output a blob containing url (the original URL), markup (which is the output of whatever format is specified), html (the rendered HTML version of the output), and title (the extracted title of the document). If a link=X parameter is provided, an additional link field will be included with the encoded link.

If the link parameter is given, output will be url encoded and turned into a link that will operate (on Mac) on specific apps.

Value Result
url Raw encoded url, no protocol
obsidian obsidian://create link (Osidian)
nv/nvalt nv(alt)://make url (Notational Velocity/nvALT)
nvultra x-nvultra://make url (nvUltra)
marked x-marked://preview link (Marked 2)

If open=1 is included in the URL, the generated link will be opened automatically. This will have the effect of creating a new note in the application of choice, or previewing the result (in the case of marked). If the result is small, a redirect header will be sent. If it's larger than 8k, it uses a Javascript redirect, requiring a browser window.


Marked styles can be added by name in the style parameter. Including a style automatically forces complete output as HTML with head and body tags. Marked styles include:


curl '

If you specify a URL in the style parameter, the <link re="stylesheet"> tags from the specified URL will be added to the HTML output of the result. This can have odd effects as most sites style tags and classes that won't exist in the clean output from Marky, but sometimes offers decent styling.

If the import_css option is true, then the linked stylesheets will be pulled in and their contents embedded, as well as any <style> tags in the target URL. This can be a slow process and often takes multiple seconds to complete.

Special handling

Marky has special handling for some sites:

Site Functionality
StackOverflow/Exchange Qs, comments, and As, "accepted" highlighted
GitHub Repo Outputs just the README contents for the repo
GitHub Gist Formats code block with title
GitHub File Formats file code with title

More to come as needs arise.


Open current page in Marky:

javascript:(function(){var nvwin ="","nvwin","status=no,toolbar=no,width=400,height=250,location=no,menubar=no,resizable,scrollbars");nvwin.document.title = "Saving";nvwin.window.location = `${encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)}`;})();